Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rewind---sharing photos

**photo intensive posts-be warned!**

We are enjoying a nice day of not doing anything today so I thought I'd work on sharing photos. I figure I'll do it in several posts.

First up...all packed up~

 my craft sad..LOL! and yes, I brought all the cards that were on the wall

Next up--all our stuff went to the semi and we went to a hotel for the night before starting our trip

This was the dogs first time away from home, the first few nights they were pretty skittish and wouldn't go potty or such but now they seem like old pros.

1 comment:

Kathy Bradley said...

Moving is a stressful experience in and of itself! But you are sounding like such a trooper, the kids being sick the first day - what a first day moving trip! I'm so glad you made it safely and that the kids were better and your puppies seemed to do so well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed you find a house quickly - just so you can all sleep in your own beds and have your "stuff." Take care and be well - good luck!