Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Card class--kid style

My kids have always been interested in making cards "like Mommy". I don't share well so it's taken me a long time to figure out how to get them involved. Yesterday we went to Hobby Lobby and I got them their own ink pads as the last ones we got them had dried up. Today we had a card class. It started out with them just wanting to make cards but then Matthew remembered seeing this card and he wanted to make one to thank the vet too. Of course Belle has to do what big brother does so she wanted to make one for the vet as well.

I didn't tell them what to do, just let them choose what stamp--I shared-- and then they did the rest. I helped with spelling of words but they wrote and drew everything else.

We delivered the cards today. I hope it brought a smile to the vets office. It did to me. I feel good that my kids are learning to be thankful and thoughtful.

Here's their cards:

First Matthew's-

Then Belle's-

You can't see it very well but there is a body on the right there, she drew it in peach so it's hard to see.

I love my kids! :-)

1 comment:

Tammi said...

Awww...I love these, so very cute and such a sweet thing for them to do!