Friday, September 19, 2008

Like Mother, Like Daughter

It's no secret that I love to color. Always have. Nothing gets me more giddy than opening a brand new box of 64 crayons --if it has more than that I'm in total heaven. My love for coloring has transfered over to my stamping/card making. There is just something magical to me watching the colors transform into a picture. Love it.

Well, thought I'd share that my daughter, Annabelle (Belle for short) is already sharing my love for coloring. She will be 4 on the 27th but she's been coloring since she was around 2. She is most content to sit and color for hours on end.

So in many ways I guess the saying is true, like mother, like daughter.


Lynn Put said...

How sweet! Your daughter is adorable and such a great colorer, just like mommy!

Michelle said...

She is a GREAT colorer! What a beautiful picture. She's going to be just like you! Too funny cause Abby's into "cards & stamping" right now. Aren't kids just the sweetest :)

Elena said...

She is a great colorer! Very beautiful picture!