Thursday, January 22, 2009

I'm a blog addict....

So recently I stopped writing on my xanga blog that I had. I have had it forever and well, I just didn't feel it "fit" anymore. So I was going to start writing more personal things on here but that doesn't "fit" either as you come here for crafts, not my jibber jabber. So I started yet another blog....a fresh start for the more personal things. It could be my dreams, my thoughts, my family.....just a hodgepodge of things. So if you ever want a peek at it, I have a link on my sidebar or here's the link too: Flutter Bys And Dreams


Cassie said...

i'll be checking it out in just a minute!! i left an award for you on my blog today! and in case you don't see the comment i left you on your tutorial -- BLOG FIVE!! you did a great job girl!!

Maria said...

Hey Danni!! I think it's okay to write personal stuff on your crafty blog. Crafty blog readers like reading the personal stuff too. Well, I do! It helps get to know the blogger better besides the crafting stuff they do!!


Anonymous said...

Hey there... I enjoy reading the personal stuff too....I don't mind it on the "crafty" blog at all. But you gotta do what feels right for YOU! I just need to add your other blog to my reader now... :)
Hugs, Jami

Heather "Hev" said...

I think its wonderful to know the person behind the creations as well as the creations themselves.

To me just looking at page after page of cards and nothing else can be a little tedious at times.... when it is all craft speak and no word of why you made it etc (ykwim?)

Anyway have a wonderful day!