I truly do love being a SU demo but I think for now my best choice is to just be a hobbyist. I still plan on giving card classes, but they won't be strictly SU products. After being with TAC for four years, and being a craft-a-holic for almost 11 years...I just have so much stuff that I need to use up.
I was really going to push myself to do all SU projects but the truth is, I like so many different stamp companies and supplies that I was making myself crazy and not creating at all (okay so I was creating but I haven't really liked much lately that I've created).
So finally I sat down and really examined things. I wonder if I'm the only one who gets so caught up in having things that I just don't use them all.
I tell Sam all the time that I feel like a crack addict...I think about stamping all the time, always looking for my next "fix"....spending money we don't truly have on things and just repeating the cycle.
And then beating myself up for not creating things 24 hours a day with all the supplies.
So no more, hopefully. I'm really focusing on doing what "I" want...using what I want. If I make some sales with SU that's fine...I'll still do okay with the minimums and such but I'm not stressing over it.
I just plan on using whatever I'm in the mood for, so you might see some old stamps or what not....because when it all boils down this craft is meant to be fun and for yourself...not to stress over.
Sorry for a rambling post again....it helps me to get things out sometimes.
Off to create...have a wonderful night!
Danni - I am so there with you. Let's find a craft supply hoarding annonymous group or start our own. I think when we get so caught up with other things - instead of the creating it al becomes work...and all us SAHM know thats NO fun...
Have fun and I will too doing what we love with the things we LOVE...
happy weekend.
Oh Danni, girl, I can so relate. Honestly, so many days I think to myself that this is what "addicts" must feel like. Always in need of the next fix. I love all your creations - all the stamps you use. We need to challenge each other to use our supplies :)
I'm thinking about going back to Stampin Up as a hobby demo also, but I've already told myself I'm using what I have. I've had so much more fun mixing it all up, product wise. So let's not be hard on ourselves, and just enjoy.
Hey Danni,
I have been a Demo for almost 3 years now. I have a monthly stampers club that meets about 10 months a year which keeps me active, but I do not only use SU things. If I can get somthing cheaper that is just as good of quality then I tell them they can get it at Hobby Lobby. I quess my stuff is at least about 85% SU in my club but not all SU!!! Once a month is fun for me gets me out and about keeps me acitve and our club usually orders between $300 to $400 a month so that gives me $60 to $80 to spend however I want to. So do not feel like you have to use all SU!!!
Now my upline would tell you differently she would never demo things that are not SU, but she lives 2 hours away and what she does not know will not hurt her!!! LOL!!!!
Good for you, Danni! My motto about stamping is: If I don't enjoy it, I don't do it. I stamp to have fun, relax and make cards to bring sone cheer to others. So if a technique or product doesn't suit me, I skip it.
Danni, I'm far from being into stamping as much as most of you creative gals are, but even so, I find myself buying more and more stuff. If I get a new punch, then I think I need yet another; and more and more brads, eyelets, ribbons, etc. So I have vowed to use up my supplies before buying again! I wish us BOTH a lot of success in this endeavor.
good for you! i'm a SU demo and strictly a hobbiest. i do not hold classes and i do not push to sell. people that know me buy from me and i make my minumums each quarter and i am so in love with digi stamps right now that i have a whole binder full. and NOT needing another stamp???? u r kidding right? i just told Boni this morning about this poem i saw - and it's very true for us crafters...
i think that i shall never see
a rubber stamp that i don't need!!!
of course i would change it to ANY stamp that i don't need!
i pray for your strength - LOL.
AMEN sista!! I know exactly how ya feel!
Hal-lay-luwah!!!! I just posted about this topic a week or soo ago. We love your work....no matter what you do. Any idea is a great idea from you and gives us the option to use the same company as you or adapt it to a SU! project. You keep creating....just stop stressing...cause you are great No Matter What!!!
Amen sistah!
now go enjoy yourself!!!! lol
Blessings, Maria
Glad to know that I am not the only one who feels the same. I held ONE show and it totally freaked me out to see people cramming my stamps into the stamp pads, I am very fortunate that I don't have any sales minimums while living overseas. I don't usually like what I create either if I use only SU products. It's gotten so bad that when comparing their CS to others, well, I will choose others for my card base now because I am embarrased to use a flimsy card stock. Go with your heart and keep yourself in supplies
You're so talented, don't limit yourself, the skies the limit. And Yep all true artists can't keep from collecting, we just love stuff.
You are so not alone in your feelings. I too among many others feel the same. Especially the part about being a stampac addict. Do what works for you and makes you happy. That is all that matters.
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