I've had this happen before and I'm sure it'll be fixed soon but sometimes I'd like to just throw the computer out the window!!
For the next 3 weeks or so I won't be around to do many comments though as in 3 days is Matthew's 8th birthday and then sometime between Friday and Sunday I get to pick up my hubby from the airport and have him here for 2 weeks!
I'll still be posting as there are lots of fun things coming up but comments might have to wait...
hugs to you all and thanks for taking the time to visit my little ol' blog!
Have a great time with Matthew and Sam.
Isn't it funny how we depend so much on our computers, but they can be such a pain!! I am so happy that you are going to get to be with your husband for a couple of weeks. I bet you and your children are so thrilled. My heart always goes out to families who have someone in the military. I have 2 brothers who are and that is even hard. I can not imagine my spouse being gone. You sure are a strong woman, Danni. God bless you all and enjoy your visit. Your husband ROCKS for all he does for our country and for the sacrafices he makes.
That is what happend to me since this morning! I click on so many blogs and get an error message of some sort like I have too many something, something crossing at the same time and try later, etc. I don't always have luxury time to blurf and comment and of all days, today I've got problems. Have a nice day, Danni, and things will get better! Cami
oh girlfriend! do i ever hear ya. several times today when i clicked on my dashboard, i got... you are not following any blogs. then i get... your blog is similar to a spam. WHAT????? it's driving me buggy!
your cards today are stunning. so cheery and colorful!
LOL! I had the same google/blog problems today too! SO frustrating!
Enjoy your DS b'day and time with hubs!!!
I've had a lot of problems with blogspot blogs lately too.
Have fun and enjoy your family time!!!
Oh there is many a time i want to take a chair and throw it through my computer~lol. Enjoy your wonderful family time!!
Our computer is a dinosaur...almost as bad as dial up, so I feel your pain.
On a better note, enjoy your son's birthday and your husband's visit. You deserve only the best, and your husband does to. Thank you both for all you do for us! God bless you.
I was very upset when this happened to me again today....gosh when you want to do something on the computer and it won't let you...UGH!!!!!!!
You are not alone!! I've noticed that my reader has been REALLY wonky lately and not showing new posts that people have until SEVERAL hours later...or they don't show up AT ALL!! ACK!!! Sometimes...got to walk away!!
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