Thursday, September 30, 2010

SCACD-Palooza Release Day Hop!!

What a fabulous release!! How fun to have mini sets from both Elisabeth Bell for SCACD and Victoria Case for SCACD!! 

You should have arrived here from Jacquie's blog! If not, start at the beginning of the hop at Suzanne's blog

I am so excited to show you an image from the mini Victoria Case for SCACD set, Little Acorns! {how cute is that name?} and I'm presenting Little Acorn, whom I've been told is the leader of their little group..hehe!

She is just too cute! I could eat her up!! and hug her!!

Now you should hop on to Aud's blog as you don't want to miss any of these fabulous images that are being released today!!

After you're done with the hop, be sure to go shopping~~at SCACD for those of you in the US and at Quixotic Paperie for those of you in Europe!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I have seen so many blogging friends of mine post on Wednesday's their "WOYWW"--What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday--and I've always thought it would be fun to play along, but always forget. 

Well, today, since my finger is doing better--not great, but better, I thought I'd play along! (and Dr. Sam--who has been beyond wonderful with this whole mess, has given me the go ahead to try to create if I want!).

Anyhoo--here's what's on my workdesk this morning~

Let's see, we have my latest order from Paper Pretties--which is killing me to just look at them....and then an image from Whimsy Stamps that I hope to at least color today! Ohhhh, and do you see what I finally got?? an Ott Light!! Yay!!

Have a happy day!! ohhh...and don't forget to visit my flutter by team to see their fab creations today--links on sidebar...
and remember last day for the AWESOME blog candy- go enter!!!

just a reminder

Today is the last day for the awesome blog candy ---be sure you've entered! and I'll see you back here tomorrow for the blog hop!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

still not creating

It is killing me not to create!!
here's some "progression" for ya~
my ring was causing SO MUCH pain and swelling
so we had to cut it off, sniff, sniff---but Sam has promised me another one
it relieved the pressure
but now I have this...sigh. It is feeling better but still painful and hard to do much.....
I have one card ready to post on the 30th so be sure to check back then...and hopefully I'll feel better every day and be able to create!!
I miss you all!!

Monday, September 27, 2010


Just dropping in to say that I hurt my finger last's on my left hand/non writing hand but it hurts to type or do much with it so I won't be leaving comments until it feels better. 
If it's not one thing it's another, huh?
Keep smiling and have a happy day!

Happy Birthday Annabelle!

No project to share with you quite yet today as this weekend was full of festivities celebrating Annabelle's 6th birthday--which is today!!

I am still feeling good and hope to have time to create today and share with you later!

Don't forget to enter the blog candy at Susana's store blog, Follow Your Heart!

Have a happy day!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Try It Out with a "T" #85--on Sunday

We skipped posting our Try It Out with a "T" challenge on Tuesday this week as Susana had the store down for maintenance and so she could take a wee bit of time off. But we're back now and ready to go! 

Our challenge this week is Switcheroo--take an image that isn't a holiday image and make it usable for fall or winter holidays.

Don't forget to enter the fabulous blog candy while you're at the store blog, Follow Your Heart, to see all the other design team members creations.

I decided to use the Elisabeth Bell for SCACD image, New Friends, and made an autumn card.

I used the sketch from Cute Card Thursday #131.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

SCACD-Palooza release is coming!!

2 fabulous artists, 1 fabulous release! Yup, that's right, on the 30th there will be a blog hop to release 2 mini sets! One by Elisabeth Bell for SCACD and one by Victoria Case for SCACD!!!

What would a release be without blog candy?? Run over to the store blog, Follow Your Heart, and see a sneak peek of one of the images and enter in the wonderful blog candy!!

Be sure to check back on the 28th on the store blog for another sneak and then mark your calendars for the 30th for a fabulous hop and release!!

As if that wasn't enough fun....there's also a wonderful new artist coming to SCACD next month! 
Have a happy day and be sure you enter the blog candy!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Little Pocket Mice

I think the latest new digis by Meljen's Designs at Whimsy Stamps that were released on Thursday are just so cute!!

I chose to use the sweet Little Pocket Mice for my creation today. I've had this pocket Sizzix die forever and I think this is the first time I've used it but I thought it was PERFECT for this sweet image!

It's a very simple card but I thought it would make a great little card for a child or to put with a gift, etc.

  • card size: approx. 3 3/4 x 4 1/4
  • stamps: Digi Little Pocket Mice,
  • paper: PTI cardstock, SU cardstock,
  • ink:
  • others: copics, Sizzix Pocket die, SU marker, brads, stardust pen,

Flutterby Fairy

**This is my second post for the day, please scroll down for my Inky Hop post!**

As part of my birthday celebration for my Flutter By Wednesday Challenge, I had a digi stamp created for my team as a thank you. Melissa from Meljen's Designs was kind enough to draw a sweet Flutterby Fairy for me.

You can get this Flutterby Fairy too!! Melissa posted it as a freebie on her DT and Challenge blog, HERE!

Here's my creation with this oh so cute and fun fairy!

A great big hug and thank you for all the wonderful comments on my post from means the world to me to have so many awesome blogging friends!!

Today is the first day in a quite some time that I feel more myself so hopefully that feeling will stay!

Time to do the Inky Hop!!

It's here!! Release day at Inky Impressions!! And what better way to get a release started than with a fun blog hop!

You should have arrived here from Kim's blog! If not, go to the beginning of the hop at the Inky Impressions Blog. Be sure to leave comments as you hop as there will be a prize from a random blog along the hop! The hop will be open until October 1, 2010 at 12:00 pm (EST).

Today I'm showing you the cutest lil' witch~ Nickie the Sweet Witch. I wanted to be different so I didn't use the black, orange and purple that are usually associated with lil' witches this time of the year.

  • card size: 5 1/2 x 4 1/4
  • stamps: Nickie the Sweet Witch,
  • paper: Cryogen white cardstock, Basic Grey Oliva, SU cardstock,
  • ink: Memento Tuxedo Black,
  • others: copics,stardust pens, SU marker, rhinestones from my stash,
Now you need to hop on to Cabio's blog and then go shopping!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

One of those days...weeks..months...

I'm sure we all have had days--weeks--months where we just feel like we can't get our act together. Well, this is one of those times for me. I try to stay upbeat and positive but well, I'm just struggling right now. 

Many of my friends know I battle depression--have for most of my life--well, this is one of the "down" times for me..not sure what triggered this but I am making progress to feel like myself more and more everyday.

I also haven't felt so hot the past week or so...had one or two days of feeling pretty good but overall..just felt blah.

So anyway, not asking for pity or anything like that, just letting ya know that I'm slowly but surely getting back to me and hoping you'll be patient and keep coming to visit my blog as it truly brings smiles to me!

I have an image colored for my FBW card but had a horrible headache most of the day so it's not put into a card yet...hopefully soon!!

Be sure to check out the FBW blog to see the challenge for the week--it's the first time I've ever opened FBW up to all winged things!! Also be sure to visit my flutter by team- links on sidebar- as I'm sure they have some awesome creations to share!

Thanks for your understanding and I hope to be back to me really soon!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Spesch Designer Stamps Release Hop!

Time for another release at Spesch Designer Stamps! You should have arrived from Angelique's blog as she's the start of the hop!

There will be 3 random winners from comments on all the blogs in the hop so be sure to leave some love as you hop! The 1st place will get 3 images of their choice, 2nd place will get 2 of their choice and the 3rd will get 1 stamp of their choice.  You have up until 11.59pm ( Tracey's time) on the 23rd to leave a comment.

I must admit that these images (Goth/Halloween) are not my usual style but I sure did have fun using them!

My first card is using Winona. I {love} the little spider hanging down from her ponytail! (if it were in real life I'd scream!) I'm sure Goth doesn't have sparkles either but well, it just needed sparkles!

Next up is Max. I just thought he looked "cool". Hehe!


Now you should hop along to Kaylou's blog! and don't forget to go shopping when you're done with the hop!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hopping Along with Quixotic & PMS!

** this is my second post for today, please scroll down for my Lollipop Crafts post!**

I don't know about you, but I love blog hops!! Hope you are having tons of fun on this one!! Quixotic Paperie is an online source for Paper Makeup Stamps for you in the UK so we're teaming up today with a fun hop!

You should have arrived here from Bonnie's blog, if not start at the beginning at Elaine's blog.

Here's a list of the hoppers~
Danni Bindel--that's me!

What talent!! Wow, I feel so honored to be hopping with all these fab artists!

Here's my creation for today~

Now you should hop on over to Dawn's blog!


Lollipop Crafts Challenge #8

Before I get to today's Lollipop Crafts Challenge, I wanted to let everyone know that I have stepped down from the team.

It's a fabulous team and I adore Kim and Kris who run it, just {swallowing pride here}, I took on more than I could handle. I am not a person who lets commitments go easily and it was a very tough decision but I feel it's for the best as I don't think I can give them my all. I do thank them for giving me the opportunity and I really appreciate it.

I will still play along when I can, as I hope you all will too as it really is an awesome challenge.

Our challenge this week is "It's a boy thing". What a fun theme! Be sure to check out the Lollipop Crafts Challenge blog to see how you can play along and also to see what the other design team members created!

We are also sponsored this week by Limited Runs, so be sure to check out the Lollipop Crafts Challenge blog for more info!

Here's my creation~ I used a retired TAC image, Kevin.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Summer Blossom

It's all Mary, Karen and Tammy's fault. If they didn't create such amazing cards with images from Phindy's Place, I never would've HAD to get some! LOL! There are some seriously cute images from there!!

This cutie is called Summer Blossom. Oh so adorable!!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Whimsy Stamps is OPEN!!

Just a little update that the Whimsy Stamps store is open and ready for business! Thank you all for your patience in this downtime! Now go forth and shop!!

Makeup 4 The Weekend #42

**this is my second post for today, please scroll down for my first post**

This week's Makeup 4 The Weekend challenge is from makeup artist, Ginger. She has a great sketch for us.

Be sure to check out the PMS blog to see how you can play along and to see what the other makeup artists created.

Here's the sketch~
Here's my creation~ Well, as much as I love sketches, this one had me totally stumped. So instead of sitting and worrying about it, I just created a card and will save this for when inspiration strikes. LOL!

Since it has actually been raining here, I thought it would be fun to use Seth Fairy. The sentiment is from the newly released, Little Moments set.

On a side note, thank you all so much for continuing to visit my blog and leave me comments! I really appreciate it so much! I haven't been around to leave comments much lately--just out of sync for some reason but I'm trying to bounce back. Hugs to you all!

Inky Impressions Sneak Peek!

Have you been checking out the sneak peeks of the new Inky Impressions stamps on the Inky Impressions Challenge Blog? Super cute stuff!!

Today I'm showing you Lili's First Day of School! Keep watching the Inky Impressions Challenge Blog for more sneaks and also to see when they are going to be released--which is SOON!

  • card size: 5 x 5
  • stamps: Lili's First Day of School,
  • paper: PTI cardstock, SEI Jolie Chocolat, SU cardstock,
  • ink: Memento Tuxedo Black, VersaMagic Pink Petunia,
  • others: copics,Prima flowers, Inky Dinky Drops, SU markers, stardust and copic glitter pens,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Update on Whimsy Stamps Store

I feel so bad for Denise, the owner of Whimsy Stamps. Technology is wonderful until things go haywire. Here is the latest update, which can also be found on the Whimsy Stamps Inspirational Blog.

Good Morning,

As many of you know, the Whimsy Stamps Online Store has been offline for the past few days, as we have been upgrading our hosting server to support all of our great customers, and the increased demand we have been experiencing over the past few months. Please accept our sincerest apology for any inconvenience this has caused you. We greatly appreciate your patience and support.

Our tech support team has been feverishly working to make the transition, but an issue that occurred with our store during the transition has forced us to do a full restore of our database. The good news is they will be able to get us back online - the bad news is it may take as many as 7 to 10 days to do so. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and promise that while we may not be online, we are still working to serve our customers.

All orders placed before the server switch have been shipped and/or are pending shipment. We are waiting on custom orders which should be here on Friday, September 17th. Those orders will be shipped immediately. If you have ordered digital stamp products and you did not have access to retrieve those files, please email us at and we will promptly send you the files via email.

Lastly, if anyone would like to place an order while we are offline, you can email us at and we will send you an invoice through PayPal and process your order as soon as possible. Digital stamp orders can be filled via email and I can ship out rubber stamp products. If you are willing to email orders, we are more than willing to provide you with the best customer service possible to get you what you need.

We do have many exciting events and promotions planned for the coming weeks at Whimsy and we are determined to not let those plans be affected by this…let's just call it… a mess! We will continue to bring our customers new digital and rubber stamps and we will be back better than ever! Please hang in there with us, check for updates on Facebook and our Whimsy Inspirations Blog. We will post any new updates as soon as they are available.

Thank you sincerely for your continued support and patronage.


Meljen's Digi Release

Don't forget that today is digi release day for Meljen's Designs at Whimsy Stamps! I hope to have a creation to share with you soon!
** they are working on the store but it should be up really soon!!**

*** Please read THIS post in regards to the Whimsy Stamps store!!**

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

FBW #122 with Wood Ware USA

I am trying to get my motivation back, slowly but surely. I think there must be something in the air as I know several of my crafty friends are feeling the blahs lately.

This week Flutter By Wednesday is sponsored by Wood Ware USA. The whole team was given images to use so be sure to visit the Flutter By Team--links on my sidebar. They also donated a prize so be sure to play along so you can be entered to win!

The challenge this week at FBW is to use buttons with your butterfly, fairy or angel.

Be sure to check out THIS post too for some fun SCACD goodies and news!

FBW #122

I don't have an excuse other than I have been so worn out the past few days and behind schedule that I don't have a card done yet for Flutter By Wednesday

Be sure to check out the Flutter By Wednesday blog to see what the challenge is this week and also be sure to check out the flutter by team's blogs to see their gorgeous creations--links on my sidebar.

Have a happy fluttering day!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Try It Out with a "T" # 84

**if you're looking for the birthday hop, please scroll down**

Our challenge today is to Shape it up! Create any card BUT no square or rectangle cards allowed!

Be sure to visit Susana's store blog, Follow Your Heart, to see the other design team member's creations!

I used my nestabilities to create a circle card.  Then I chose the ever so adorable Sprite for my image. I used my Viva Decor Pearl Pen for all the little pearls.

Be sure to check out the new products in the store too~

Happy Birthday Peggy blog hop!

My design team member, Barbara, is throwing her mom, Peggy, who recently joined the blog world a Happy Birthday Hop!

You should have arrived here from Penni's blog, if not, start at the beginning at Barbara's blog

A big Happy Birthday to Peggy!! I hope it's a wonderful day full of happiness and lots of love!

I thought the pretty image, Princess with cake, from Spesch Designer Stamps would be perfect for a birthday wish! I kept it pretty simple as I wanted to show the image well.

Now you should hop on over to Emma and Susan's blog! And don't forget to visit the birthday girl's blog to leave her some birthday wishes!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lollipop Crafts Challenge #7- It's all about family

Time for another Lollipop Crafts Challenge! This week the theme is "It's all about family". Be sure to visit the Lollipop Crafts Challenge blog to see how you can play along and also to see what the other team members created.

This week we are sponsored by Stamp and Create! The winner of the challenge this week will receive a $25 gift certificate to their store! So what are you waiting for? Get creating for your chance to win!!

I must admit the theme this week was very challenging for me but that's what makes it so fun! I finally decided on an image from Whimsy Stamps, Walking with Dad by Crissy Armstrong. I also used the sentiment from Whimsy Stamps, Raindrop Echo, Walking With Dad sentiment set. I love that they have matching sentiments for many of the digi images.

I also wanted to show how wonderful the new custom stamps are! Here's my custom stamp all inked up and stamped on the back of the card~ I just love it and hope to order more soon!

I also got my new watermark and signature from Whimsy Stamps!! I love them, so fun!