Monday, March 3, 2014

Really wish there were more hours in the day...

I've always said I admire women who work, take care of their home and family and have time to craft. I admire them even more now. I don't work full time (although the past two weeks I've put in lots of extra hours) but man, I am barely skating by!! I really would love more hours in the day, but thinking about it, I'd probably sleep them away. LOL!!

I will have several fun things to share later in the week so I hope you'll keep checking in!!

Have a super fabulous day!! and if you're getting crafty~ add some sparkle, pink and a butterfly for me and then share it with me!! :)

1 comment:

Sharon Caudle said...

I've been saying we need to petition to make each day longer. But the hours must be left to use at OUR extra work hours allowed!! We get to use them as we want. Let's take a vote!! :)
hugs, Sharon