Thursday, December 31, 2020

Goodbye 2020--some favorites

I haven't done an end of the year favorite card post in a long time but I thought "why not" so here we go. Some of my favorites from 2020, which for all that this year brought us it really brought me lots of creative time and for that I'm thankful.

It started off with a few design teams, which I'm always so thankful to be part of a team and also joining the Sheetload of Cards team and then I even started my own challenge group. 

I fell in love with some new companies and rediscovered some companies that I hadn't created with for awhile. 

I was constantly inspired by so many people and really saw the crafting community come together in kindness and love during this year.

So while 2020 wasn't our finest hour, there was still lots of good in it for me. I'll leave you with some of my favorites from the year (in no particular order).

1 comment:

Call Me Crafty Al said...

You helped to make 2020 a beautiful year!!