Saturday, January 2, 2021

Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Saturday Challenge- #562 Bingo

Happy New Year and welcome to another fabulous and fun Saturday Challenge at Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps!

Are you ready for another fun and krafty challenge to inspire you and help get your creative juices flowing?
We've got some fabulous ideas for you and can't wait to see what you create!
This week, Krafty Girl Anna is your hostess and her challenge for you is to make a project using BINGO! Use the photo below to make three choices up, down or diagonally when you create your card!

Each and every Saturday we post a brand new challenge for the week and you are welcome to enter as many times as you like.
These must be new creations and you are welcome to use any stamp, however, using Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps and products will earn you double entries!
The monthly prize is a $25 voucher to the Krafty shop!!!
Woohoo! There are two ways to enter: you can link up your creation on the Kraftin’ Kimmie blog page and you can upload your photo to the album in our Krafty Friends FB group.
Also, if you need a little extra inspiration or a jump start to your mojo, we have a new sketch each month!
Feel free to use it any time!
Be sure to check out all the awesome projects our Design Team has come up with below - and Happy Kraftin'!

I decided to use the row that has white, stencil and circles/dots. 

I started with some white Bristol Smooth Cardstock and then I used the Lots o' Dots Stencil with some bright colors to create my background. 

Once that was complete I added my image to a circle die cut that had been embossed and sentiment from the You are Super stamp set. To finish the card I added some sparkle and a few Kraftin' Kimmie Dreamy Dots.

Be sure to visit the Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps blog for all the details so you can play along too!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter
Have a krafty day!

Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps You are Super Stamp Set, Memento Tuxedo Black Ink, Copics, Kraftin' Kimmie Lots o' Dots Stencil, Distress Oxide Inks in Squeezed Lemonade, Lucky Clover, Peacock Feathers, Wilted Violet and Picked Raspberry, SU Stitched Shapes Framelits, Bristol Smooth Paper, Crafts-Too Spots Embossing Folder, SU Granny Apple Green Ink, Spectrum Noir Sparkle Pen, Kraftin' Kimmie Dreamy Dots,
**Some links that I share are affiliate links. I link them up for your convenience and may receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you. I hope you will consider using the links if you decide to purchase the products I share.**


Blankina said...

Lovely to have you on the team..and glad you have palyed along with my Bingo challenge. Great card, hugs Blankina

Claire said...

Beautiful design

Jennifer Kelly said...

Super krafter!!

Call Me Crafty Al said...

SUPER card!! TFS